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英国猛牌与最麦肯世界集团合作 共同制定全球发展战略

来源:HIFI996 作者:HIFI996

为进一步扩大Monitor Audio(英国猛牌)品牌实力和国际影响力,英国猛牌很高兴与大家分享一项正在进行的激动人心的创意传播战略,其中包括任命新的代理合作伙伴

 As part of our ambition to broaden the strength and reach of the Monitor Audio brand, we are delighted to share that we are embarking on an exciting creative communications strategy, which includes the appointment of a new agency partner。

为进一步扩大Monitor Audio(英国猛牌)品牌实力和国际影响力,英国猛牌很高兴与大家分享一项正在进行的激动人心的创意传播战略,其中包括任命新的代理合作伙伴McCan Milton Keynes(麦肯世界集团)的战略合作。

McCann Milton Keynes – part of McCann Worldgroup – has been appointed lead agency partner to provide an integrated service that will help broaden our appeal beyond that of a niche audiophile brand and enable us to connect and engage with new audiences。


This does mean that we are parting ways with Ammonite Media, but would very much like to thank them for their 11 years of service and, during that time, their dedication in helping Monitor Audio launch many successful product ranges。 We wish the team at Ammonite all the best for the future。

这意味着我们与现任合作伙伴Ammonite Media即将结束合作关系。我们非常感谢他们这11年来的服务,为猛牌推出的许多成功产品系列做出的贡献。我们希望Ammonite团队在未来一切顺利。

Over the coming weeks, the team at McCann will deliver a strategic review as well as a re-brand, which will help to ensure that customers receive a seamless experience and are fully-immersed in our brand story。The team will also support the launch of a number of key products this year, which will include the development of a retail support program。


Working with McCann Milton Keynes, we are delighted to be in the company of a range of luxury brands, including the likes of Bentley, Sunseeker and Lotus。 With a reputation for championing great British premium brands and putting them on a global stage, and a network comprising more than 100 office locations worldwide, we are looking forward to the global opportunities this partnership will bring。

透过与麦肯·米尔顿·凯恩斯(McCann Milton Keynes)合作,我们很高兴成为众多奢侈品牌的陪伴者,其中包括Bentley宾利汽车,Sunseeker圣汐豪华游艇和Lotus莲花跑车等品牌。凭借倡导英国顶级优质品牌并将其推向全球的声誉,以及麦肯集团遍布全球100多个分公司网络,我们期待这个新的合作伙伴关系将为我们带来全新的全球机遇。

麦肯世界集团(McCann Erickson Worldwide)

麦肯世界集团成立于1902 年,总部设在美国纽约,公司创立超过百年的历史,是全球著名的跨国4A广告公司。

麦肯世界集团是全球最大的传播集团,旗下设有麦肯广告、优势麦肯媒体公司、MRM 客户关系行销、MOM活动行销公司、万博宣伟公关公司、麦肯健康传播公司及Future Brand 企业品牌规划公司。其中,麦肯广告McCann Erickson – 以沟通策略及优越创意力最为著名。

今天的 McCann-Erickson World Group拥有263亿美元资产、全球员工人数达24,000名、保持着世界上最大最完善之一的广告服务网络系统的公司。



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